Posted by Susan Crossman on Dec 17, 2011 | 0 comments
More exciting news! On Monday, December 19, the Globe and Mail will be publishing published an article I wrote about the emotional process of writing “Shades of Teale.”
We have some fine newspapers here in Canada and the Globe has long been known as “Canada’s National Newspaper.” I grew up reading the Globe and Mail and I have fond memories of my parents sitting with their morning coffee studying its pages. Now I’m the parent! I often access the news online and since I’m up so early (don’t even ask what time!) my children don’t see me getting my morning news fix. I wonder how this will impact their news consumption habits? Critical thinking is an important skill and I credit my own passion for news with helping me look analytically at the world around me. It didn’t hurt that my superiors at The London Free Press and Canadian Press way back at the dawn of my career delivered some unflinching editing of the pieces I wrote for them!
“Shades of Teale” does a little analysis of its own and much as it is a story, it is also a set of observations about an issue that pervades all intimate relationships: the balance between compromise and happiness. At what price commitment? As an aside, I’m thinking this might be a good book club book – one that might generate some interesting discussion!
This will be the fourth piece the Globe has published for me this year and it’s an honour to see my byline appearing on its pages. I will post the link here as soon as it’s The link is now available, I hope you enjoy the article!
Don’t forget, if you’d like to order your own copy of “Shades of Teale, you can get it through and chapters/indigo online.