New Book

Posted by on Oct 3, 2012 | 0 comments

It’s hard to believe that this time last year I was floating on the cloud of excitement that preceded the publication of “Shades of Teale.” The novel, my first, was published by Manor House Publishing in late November, 2011, and it’s been thrilling to see my first book in print.


The thrill is even bigger this year as I await the arrival of a second creative work under the Manor House banner, “Passages to Epiphany.”  Due out later this fall, the book is a collection of short stories and creative non-fiction pieces that looks at the subject of awakenings. I’ve long been intrigued by that little moment where understanding dawns in our minds and hearts and we suddenly come to see a situation, or even our entire lives, in a new and different light. This book is focused around those moments in both fictional and non-fictional scenarios.


The new stories vary in length and topic matter – the heroines of my short stories are all very unique and the non-fiction pieces are all about moments in my life that have been particularly affecting.


These stories dovetail nicely with some other work I’ve been doing this year. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been training with International author, speaker and coach Jennifer Hough, and I hope to earn certification as an Awakened Coach by early November. The coaching is teaching me how to help other people drop the baggage that has been weighing them down so they can move forward into their own success. The tie-in with “Life of a Writer” may not be immediately obvious, but I do see my writing as a tool for helping people do pretty much the same thing. I like a book that makes me think, feel and wonder at the world around me and I hope that’s something I deliver to readers as well.


As some of you may know, I make my living as a business writer  and for decades my writing time has been spent primarily on producing newsletter and web content, speeches, white papers, articles and blog posts.  I love my work and I’m privileged to work with some amazing people who make my days enjoyable and interesting. I never thought I would be able to combine business writing with creative writing but here I am, doing just that! I am indeed a lucky lady!


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