Posted by Susan Crossman on Feb 4, 2013 | 0 comments
I’m absolutely thrilled to have been asked to give the keynote address for the XPANSE program’s one-year celebration next week in Oakville. For those of you who haven’t heard, this is a magnificent program designed (by women) for women who are contemplating, or already going through, the painful experience of separation or divorce.
The focus of XPANSE is on mentoring women through the sometimes bewildering process of putting their lives back together in the midst of what can seem like hideous chaos. It’s an affordable program that provides six discreet sessions of learning and support with an integrated team of women who are highly compassionate and powerfully devoted to the success of all participants. The two-hour session gives participants the chance to connect with and learn from:
What a concept!
When my first husband and I divorced more than 20 years ago there were no such services available to help me find my way back to a sense of strength and certainty. I felt isolated and alone, vulnerable and, yes, downright stupid when it came to things like financial planning and mortgage management. It’s a relief to see that the paradigm has shifted and that women now have access to a supportive circle of caring experts who will help without judging, and teach without patronizing.
One of the things I’ve heard many of my women friends say at the conclusion of a marriage is “How could I have been so wrong for so long?!” The truth is, we all do our best with the information we have available and not every match was actually made in heaven. It may have detoured through the neighbourhood for a while but when it’s over, it’s time to move on. And that’s the part that XPANSE can help organize.
The topic of my talk on February 13th is “Expanding Your Definition of Love “ and I can’t wait to share my thoughts. I’ve been divorced and widowed, and I’m a mother and a step-mother, a daughter and a step-daughter, and just about everything else that nibbles at the edges of a life on Earth. Every relationship I’ve ever experienced has granted me surprising gifts. And at this stage of life, I am grateful for all of it.
I invite you to join me in the celebration of XPANSE’s one-year anniversary. The event will be held Wednesday, February 13 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the eSpot in Oakville (353 Iroquois Shore Road, Suite #200).
I also invite you to check out the XPANSE program to see if you, too, might benefit from the six-week empowerment program the organization offers.
If you have any questions, as always, please give me a shout at 905-469-1892 or email me at